In the ever-changing tides of consumer desires, a successful marketing strategy is like a masterful dance, gracefully adapting its steps to the rhythm of trends, while leading with authenticity and captivating the audience with the symphony of innovation.

Surbhi Sachdeva is a fashion marketing professional, designer, and entrepreneur.

She studied Fashion Design and went on to start her fashion label in 2021, named Hypedevi. The brand currently retails in 9 countries, with its headquarters in New Delhi, India.

Originally hailing from New Delhi, India, Surbhi grew up in an environment rich in culture, history, folk, and art. She often draws inspiration from her background, which reflects in the way she utilizes bright color combinations in her projects.

She is well versed in developing end-to-end marketing campaigns, creating a strong memorable brand, and strategizing ideation and implementation of different digital marketing tools. She is a strong advocate of having a storytelling aspect in her work and developing her brands on impactful narratives and copies.

Her marketing strategies are backed by solid market research, trend analysis, and a consumer-first approach, enabling her to create viable roadmaps for the team. Being a result-driven individual, her strategies always come with quantifiable elements.

She is currently based in San Francisco, California, where she received her Master's degree in Fashion Marketing and Brand Management at the Academy of Art University.